
Join us

Advokátska kancelária Jakubčová a partneri, s.r.o. regularly recruits new legal assistants.

We offer: gaining new experience in legal practice, professional development, time working in a young team. Working hours are flexible and the valuation is based on the efforts and results of the work.

Requirements: hard work, high level of expertise, independence and logical thinking, high-quality knowledge of English, communication skills, pleasant demeanor in public, stress management and loyalty.

Start: by agreement

In comes your interest in this position, please send us your CV to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and and we will be pleased to invite you for an interview in our office. By sending your CV you agree with processing of your personal data in accordance with the Act. Z.z. 122/2013 on the protection of personal data, as amended, and method of application to ur office.

Advokátska kancelária
Jakubčová a partneri, s.r.o.
tel. +421 238 10 57 40
Mickiewiczova 2
811 07 Bratislava